新华社堪培拉3月7日电(记者岳东兴 白旭)澳大利亚贸易、旅游和投资部7日在官网发布消息说,澳大利亚计划投入500万澳元(约合2300万元人民币)从本月开始在中国一些城市推出旅游广告,希望吸引更多中国自助游游客。 澳大利亚贸易、旅游和投资部长西蒙·伯明翰说:“自助游游客往往更年轻、更愿意冒险。此次主要推广澳大利亚充满动感的旅游体验,比如在北领地和鳄鱼一起潜水,或者在新南威尔士州大自然的怀抱中露营。” 据《悉尼先驱晨报》报道,旅游广告图片涉及澳大利亚的海滩、星空以及鳄鱼等具有代表性的元素,中文广告词是“道不尽的澳大利亚”。 澳大利亚旅游部门的数据显示,去年赴澳旅游的中国游客达142万人次。 伯明翰说,中国是澳大利亚最大的旅游市场,中国游客的类型正在发生变化。在过去10年中,自由行的中国游客占中国游客总增长量的一半以上,年均增长率为18.8%。 澳大利亚房车产业协会今年2月公布的一份报告说,中国游客来澳越来越青睐房车和露营旅游,这是接近和体验澳大利亚自然风光和野生动物的绝佳方式。 《悉尼先驱晨报》援引一份旅游调查报告提醒说,澳大城市之外的非热门景点,配套设施还不够健全。对中国游客来说,不少地方没有无线网络。此外,景点间隔距离长以及缺少更多交通选择也是一大问题。 2019-03-07 19:48:09 来源: 新华网 澳大利亚计划在中国推出旅游广告 http://www.xinhuanet.com/world/2019-03/07/c_1124206130.htm New campaign to attract more Chinese travellers to Australia Media release7 March 2019 The Liberal-National Government has today launched a new campaign to attract an emerging and lucrative type of Chinese visitor to Australia, commonly known as the free and independent traveller (FIT). Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment Simon Birmingham today officially launched Tourism Australia’s latest campaign ‘Too Australian for Words’ in an attempt to lure more Chinese FITs to our shores. "FITs tend to be younger, more adventurous and are willing to get out of their comfort zone,” Minister Birmingham said. “We know adventure appeals to FITs and this campaign highlights Australia’s vast array of action-packed and ‘out of the box’ experiences that can be enjoyed beyond the major cities, such as diving with crocodiles in the Northern Territory or being surrounded by nature in a bubble tent in Capertree, New South Wales. “Australia already has a strong affinity amongst Chinese travellers, however we must continue to find new ways to appeal to the Chinese market. “This campaign does exactly this whilst at the same time looking to promote regional Australia.” Minister Birmingham said the campaign coincided with the release of a new report today by Tourism Research Australia that highlights the rapidly growing Chinese FIT market “The report shows FITs have contributed over 50 per cent of the total growth in Chinese visitors over the last decade - with an annual average growth rate of 18.8 per cent,” Minister Birmingham said. “China is Australia’s largest and most lucrative tourism market, worth more than $11.5 billion to the Australian economy, but this report shows the type of Chinese traveller is starting to shift. “We’ve had huge success with attracting group visitors to Australia over the last decade and whilst I expect this to continue, we’re also seeing the emergence of this new type of traveller. “With rising incomes, greater wealth dispersal and increased consumerism in China, there is significant potential for Australian inbound tourism from China, and young FITs are likely to fuel much of this potential. “The report finds Chinese FITs are also more likely to stay over three times longer than those on an organised group tour, which presents a great opportunity for Australia’s regional tourism offerings given the strong correlation between length of stay and likelihood to travel beyond Australia’s gateways and iconic attractions. "A forward-looking tourism industry here in Australia that wants to jump on new opportunities will help ensure the industry continues to support thousands of businesses and employ 1 in 13 Australians. Tourism Research Australia’s report can be found at: https://www.tra.gov.au/data-and-research/chinese-free-and-independent-travellers-their-potential-for-regional-australia CHINESE FREE AND INDEPENDENT TRAVELLERS – THEIR POTENTIAL FOR REGIONAL AUSTRALIA Against the backdrop of spectacular increases in Chinese visitation and the growing significance of Chinese FITs, this research assesses the barriers to visitor dispersal into Australia’s regions and identifies areas for possible action. Download the report: Chinese Free and Independent Travellers – Their potential for regional Australia - Summary - March 2019 [PDF 2.82MB] Chinese Free and Independent Travellers – Their potential for regional Australia - Full report - March 2019 [PDF 2.32MB] Media enquiries
https://trademinister.gov.au/Pages/default.aspx Minister forTrade, Tourism, and Investment Senator the Hon. Simon Birmingham tel:+61 2 6277 7420 www.austrade.gov.au https://www.gov.au/
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