2019年02月14日 情人节
情人节又叫圣瓦伦丁节或圣华伦泰节,即每年的2月14日,是西方国家的传统节日之一,起源于基督教。 这是一个关于爱、浪漫以及花、巧克力、贺卡的节日 男女在这一天互送礼物用以表达爱意或友好。 情人节的晚餐约会通常代表了情侣关系的发展关键。现已成为欧美各国青年人喜爱的节日,其他国家也已开始流行。 而在中国,传统节日之一的七夕节也是姑娘们重视的日子,因此而被称为中国的情人节。 由于能表达共同的人类情怀,各国各地纷纷发掘了自身的“情人节”。 Valentine’s Day, also called St. Valentine’s Day, holiday (February 14) when lovers express their affection with greetings and gifts. The holiday has origins in the Roman festival of Lupercalia, held in mid-February. The festival, which celebrated the coming of spring, included fertility rites and the pairing off of women with men by lottery. At the end of the 5th century, Pope Gelasius I replaced Lupercalia with St. Valentine’s Day. It came to be celebrated as a day of romance from about the 14th century. Although there were several Christian martyrs named Valentine, the day may have taken its name from …(100 of 358 words) 中文名 情人节 英文名 Valentine‘s Day 节日时间 西方 2月14日、中国 七月初七 节日类型 传统节日 流行地区 欧美及世界各地 Soys.cn/Valentine Soys.cn/QingRenJie Qíngrén jié 搜一搜.cn/情人节 二维码.cn/情人节 valentine的定义 n.1 a card sent, often anonymously, on St. Valentine's Day (February 14) to a person one loves or is attracted to. Strange men followed her in the street, and anonymous valentines , love poems, and long-stemmed red roses in bouquets of a dozen found their way to her door. The Origins of Valentine’s Day 情人节的来源 Although Valentine's Day has become a global industry, the origins of the day are unclear. Nobody knows exactly who St Valentine was. 尽管情人节已经成为一个全球化的产业,可是情人节的来源仍不清楚。 没有人清楚地知道St Valentine到底是谁。 It was said that St Valentine was a priest in ancient Rome. The emperor had forbidden marriage because he wanted more men to join his army. Valentine didn't agree with the emperor, he married couples in secret but was caught finally. 据说St Valentine是古罗马时代的一名神父。 当时的罗马皇帝禁止人们结婚 ,因为他要更多的男人加入他的军队。 Valentine不同意皇帝的决定,秘密地主持了婚礼,成全了很多对新人,但最终被发现了。 Valentine was thrown into jail and sentenced to death on February 14. On the final day, he sent a love letter signed "From your Valentine" to his lover. Valentine被捕入狱后,于2 月1 4 日判为死刑。 他临死前给爱人写了封信并署名 “寄自你的Valentine”。 It's thought that the first recorded Valentine's card was sent by the Duke of Orleans in 1415. 据说史上第一张有记载的情人卡是奥尔良公爵于1415年在狱中写的。 He was in prison at that time. He wrote love poems to his wife, so he didn't feel so lonely. 那时他在监狱。他给他妻子写情诗,因此他不会感到孤独。 更多 双语学习:情人节的来源
圣瓦伦丁节大屠杀 90周年 美国“情人节大屠杀”:满墙弹孔 为何现场只有男尸? 2014-02-14 14:39 “情人节大屠杀”是美国禁酒时代,贩运私酒的帮派间的一次激烈斗争事件,发生在1929年2月14日的芝加哥,当时芝加哥艾尔·卡彭帮派(由意大利裔美国人组成)装扮成警察,强迫由“臭虫”莫兰领导的帮派(由爱尔兰裔美国人及德裔美国人组成)的其中7个人在汽车房中靠墙排成一行,并且毫不留情地枪杀。 Saint Valentine's Day Massacre MASS MURDER, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, UNITED STATES [1929] WRITTEN BY: The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica LAST UPDATED: Feb 7, 2019 See Article History Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre, (Feb. 14, 1929), mass murder of a group of unarmed bootlegging gang members in Chicago. 圣瓦伦丁节大屠杀,(1929年2月14日),在芝加哥大规模杀害一群手无寸铁的盗窃团伙成员。 The bloody incident dramatized the intense rivalry for control of the illegal liquor traffic during the Prohibition Era in the United States. 这场血腥事件戏剧化了在美国禁酒时代对于控制非法酒类交易的激烈竞争。 Disguising themselves as policemen, members of the Al Capone gang entered a garage at 2122 North Clark Street run by members of the George “Bugs” Moran gang, lined their opponents up against a wall, and shot them in cold blood. Al Capone团伙成员将自己伪装成警察,他们进入了位于北克拉克街2122号的一个车库(由George“Bugs”Moran团伙成员经营),他们将对手排成一排墙,然后冷血地射杀他们。 The victims included gang members Adam Heyer, Frank Gusenberg, Pete Gusenberg, John May, Al Weinshank, and James Clark, as well as a visitor, Dr. Reinhardt H. Schwimmer. 受害者包括帮派成员Adam Heyer,Frank Gusenberg,Pete Gusenberg,John May,Al Weinshank和James Clark,以及访客Reinhardt H. Schwimmer博士。 The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre and other gangland killings, frequently portrayed vividly by the mass media throughout the world, came to symbolize the violence of the Prohibition Era in Chicago. 情人节大屠杀和其他的黑帮杀人,通过世界各地的大众媒体频频地被生动再现,来象征禁止时代在芝加哥的暴力。 情人节大屠杀,芝加哥,伊利诺伊州,美国[1929] 情人节大屠杀 The St. Valentine's Day Massacre (1967) https://movie.douban.com/subject/1302302/?from=subject-page John May. findagrave.com.[11 September 2013].^Valentine’s Day Massacre Chicago 1929.[18 February 2014].^O'Brien, John.The St. Valentine's Day Massacre. Chicago Tribune.[12 April 2013]. http://news.ifeng.com/history/gaoqing/detail_2014_02/14/33820384_0.shtml#p=1 http://video.tudou.com/v/XMjAzNzM0NzYxNg==.html?__fr=oldtd https://www.britannica.com/event/Saint-Valentines-Day-Massacre Soys.cn/情人节/15359936221 搜一搜.cn/情人节/15359936221 ErWei.com.cn/Soys.cn/情人节/15359936221/tols.cn_/pictoday 二维码.cn/情人节/15359936221/tols.cn_/pictoday 搜一搜.cn/情人节/15359936221/一首《没有情人的情人节》送给2月14日的你并祝情人节快乐!_/videoclips.chinanews.com/oss/onair/zxw/szuser/957cb0a8598749b89ff5e6020b362beb_37.mp4 2月10日,台北车站举行接吻比赛。情侣们为了获得手机大奖可谓各显其招,解锁各种接吻“新姿势”。 据介绍,本次比赛共吸引16组民众參加,包括情侣,夫妇。 比赛最终选出接吻时长最长的3组为优胜组, 据了解,当天一对交往一年多的情侣热吻超过1.5小时夺得冠军。(记者 刘轩廷 编辑 卢婕) |
发布于:2019-02-14 14:05
搜一搜.cn/情人节 圣瓦伦丁节大屠杀 90周年 大屠杀,芝加哥,伊利诺伊州,美国[1929] |
发布于:2019-02-14 22:27
搜一搜.cn/情人节/15359936221/一首《没有情人的情人节》送给2月14日的你并祝情人节快乐!_/www.g120.cn/Soys.cn_Valentine.mp4 sppp.js1.cn/Soys.cn_Valentine.mp4 |