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澳洲 Australia 澳大利亚 规划您的行程 使用我们的行程规划器,时刻表和 MyTransLink 应用,可助您到达目的地。这些工具易于使用,可让您从容无忧地乘坐公交。 我们还会在举行活动的日子和下班后运营特殊服务。记住提前规划:了解这些特殊服务的运营时间,发车频次以及乘坐地点。 与我们一起出行 使用公交在昆士兰东南部和昆士兰偏远地区旅行十分便利。 不要忘记在出行的当天查看 TransLink 网站 - 可能会有会影响您行程的服务中断。 我们还准备了以下信息: 车船票和票价 票 您可用 go card、seeQ card、Gold Coast go explore card 或单程纸制车(船)票享用 TransLink 昆士兰东南部网络的服务。
票价 票价基于您出行要经过的分区的数量 - 查看当前费率。 折扣票价比成人票便宜 50%,而且一些折扣卡持有人有资格免费使用 TransLink 和 qconnect 以及偏远地区渡轮服务出行。 要计算您在昆士兰东南部出行时经过的分区数量和相应车(船)费,从您经过的编号最大的区减去经过的编号最小的区,然后加一。 您还可以使用行程规划器来计算某次出行的票价。 关于 TransLink 我们协调和实施汽车、火车、渡轮和有轨电车,并负责为客户提供信息、票务以及公共交通基础设施。 TransLink 网络涵盖昆士兰东南部(包括布里斯班、伊普斯维奇、阳光海岸和黄金海岸地区)。我们还在昆士兰偏远地区的特定地区提供服务。 昆士兰东南部 TransLink 在昆士兰东南部的 8 个分区运营,网络北起金皮,南至库尔加塔,西达希利顿。 昆士兰偏远地区 我们的网络涵盖昆士兰偏远区域,包括凯恩斯和麦凯。 联系我们 如您有疑问、投诉或想要提醒我们注意,请使用我们的反馈表 - 如果您的问题关系到您的 go card,出于隐私要求,您需要给我们打电话。 身处澳大利亚境内任意地点,则请致电 13 12 30;身处澳大利亚境外,则请致电 +61 7 3851 8700。如果您不说英语,则您可以请求有口译员参与的三方通话。 我们还可以在 Facebook、Twitter 上回答您的问题,同时还在布里斯班游客信息中心面对面地回答您的问题。 实用资料 微博客户端 ↓微博位置↓ 扫一扫.cn 澳大利亚·澳大利亚昆士兰大学 Information in your language አማርኛ العربية 简体中文 Cрпском Deutsch Español Français Italiano Kiswahili Tiếng Việt Ελληνικά دري فارسی नेपाली हिन्दी 日本語 한국어 https://translink.com.au/node/9106 go card is TransLink's electronic ticket to fast, easy and convenient travel. Use go card on all TransLink bus, train (including Airtrain), ferry and tram services in greater Brisbane, Ipswich, Sunshine Coast, and Gold Coast regions. The best part about go card is it's: cheaper than the cost of a paper ticket convenient to manage easy to top-up and use available for adults, children, concessions, seniors. https://translink.com.au/tickets-and-fares/go-card Brisbane Train Map http://www.railmaps.com.au/brisbane.htm Route Timetable: Ipswich/Rosewood line (Translink Local Train) http://www.railmaps.com.au/routedetails.php?RouteSelect=64 布里斯班 布里斯本 Brisbane’s best new restaurants, cafes & bars to open in 2018 There’s no doubt Brisbane is going through a massive growth spurt. It seems with every inner-city apartment block that goes up, a new hip restaurant, bar or cafe opens beneath it. We’re just six months into 2018 and since the start of the year Brisbane’s dining landscape has shifted and changed dramatically with a handful of sad closings, but a few dozen epic openings. Here are our highlights for 2018 so far - and there are plenty more to come before the year’s end. Restaurants Walter’s Steakhouse, Brisbane City Arrive early for your reservation at this charming old-world brasserie, which has completely transformed Old Mineral House on Alice St. It gives you time to order a martini and soak in the vibes from a leather couch before being taken through to the main dining room where dark oak tables and red banquet booths fill the space. Beyond excellent steak (cut and dry-aged in-house), find other meaty mains, great salads, epic sides and the hospitality you’d expect from the group behind the awarding-winning bar, The Gresham. Three Blue Ducks, W Hotel, Brisbane City The Sydney darlings behind Three Blue Ducks are opening their first wholesome cafe north of the border. The fourth location for the brand sits within the new W Hotel, the first 5-star hotel to be built here in 20 years. Open for breakfast through to dinner this will be a new city classic. Spice Den, Brisbane City A slick Asian-inspired restaurant has opened on the CBD fringe, a second location for the popular northern New South Wales diner. Order everything from crispy chicken and crab wontons, to spiced lamb roti or a half Peking duck. Book ahead to enjoy a $34 lunch banquet on Sundays. Salon De Co, Brisbane City Stepping through the doors at Ovolo Inchcolm Hotel is like stepping back in time, so there’s no doubt the new signature restaurant plays up the building’s 1930s vibes. Head chef Anthony Hales spent three months travelling around Australia and also popped over to Korea to soak in the culinary scenes and use it as inspiration at Salon De Co. E’cco Bistro, Newstead This Brisbane institution first opened in a historic warehouse on the CBD fringe back in 1995. Keeping things fresh, Philip Johnson’s restaurant has packed up shop and moved to Newstead, where a new state-of-the-art kitchen continues serves incredible dishes to a loyal Brisbane crowd. Ol’ School, South Brisbane www.visitbrisbane.com.au
https://www.visitbrisbane.com.au/information/articles/eat-and-drink/new-cafes-restaurants-bars-shops-brisbane?sc_lang=zh-cn |