Press Release: The Nobel Prize in Physics 2017 - 名录 - 爱扫码· -扫一扫.cn·二维码.cn 搜一搜.cn/4411

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·搜一搜.cn/Press Release: The Nobel Prize in Physics 2017

更多 发布于:2017-10-03 23:35


Press Release: The Nobel Prize in Physics 2017
3 October 2017
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physics 2017 with one half to
Rainer Weiss
LIGO/VIRGO Collaboration
and the other half jointly to
Barry C. Barish
LIGO/VIRGO Collaboration
Kip S. Thorne
LIGO/VIRGO Collaboration
"for decisive contributions to the LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves"

Gravitational waves finally captured

On 14 September 2015, the universe's gravitational waves were observed for the very first time. The waves, which were predicted by Albert Einstein a hundred years ago, came from a collision between two black holes. It took 1.3 billion years for the waves to arrive at the LIGO detector in the USA.

The signal was extremely weak when it reached Earth, but is already promising a revolution in astrophysics. Gravitational waves are an entirely new way of observing the most violent events in space and testing the limits of our knowledge.
LIGO, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, is a collaborative project with over one thousand researchers from more than twenty countries. Together, they have realised a vision that is almost fifty years old. The 2017 Nobel Laureates have, with their enthusiasm and determination, each been invaluable to the success of LIGO. Pioneers Rainer Weiss and Kip S. Thorne, together with Barry C. Barish, the scientist and leader who brought the project to completion, ensured that four decades of effort led to gravitational waves finally being observed.
In the mid-1970s, Rainer Weiss had already analysed possible sources of background noise that would disturb measurements, and had also designed a detector, a laser-based interferometer, which would overcome this noise. Early on, both Kip Thorne and Rainer Weiss were firmly convinced that gravitational waves could be detected and bring about a revolution in our knowledge of the universe.
Gravitational waves spread at the speed of light, filling the universe, as Albert Einstein described in his general theory of relativity. They are always created when a mass accelerates, like when an ice-skater pirouettes or a pair of black holes rotate around each other. Einstein was convinced it would never be possible to measure them. The LIGO project's achievement was using a pair of gigantic laser interferometers to measure a change thousands of times smaller than an atomic nucleus, as the gravitational wave passed the Earth.
So far all sorts of electromagnetic radiation and particles, such as cosmic rays or neutrinos, have been used to explore the universe. However, gravitational waves are direct testimony to disruptions in spacetime itself. This is something completely new and different, opening up unseen worlds. A wealth of discoveries awaits those who succeed in capturing the waves and interpreting their message.

Rainer Weiss, born 1932 in Berlin, Germany. Ph.D. 1962 from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA. Professor of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA. B
Barry C. Barish, born 1936 in Omaha, NE, USA. Ph.D. 1962 from University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. Linde Professor of Physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA K
Kip S. Thorne, born 1940 in Logan, UT, USA. Ph.D. 1965 from Princeton University, NJ, USA. Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
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    发布于:2017-10-03 23:35

    Read more about this year's prize

    Popular Science Background
    Pdf 1811 kB
    Scientific Background
    Pdf 2338 kB

    To read the text you need Acrobat Reader.

    Image - Gravitational waves (pdf 162 kB)
    Image - Two black holes (pdf 508 kB)
    Image - LIGO (pdf 1825 kB)
    Image - LIGO in the USA (pdf 1734 kB)

    All illustrations: Copyright © Johan Jarnestad/The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

    Popular Information

    Popular Science Background: Cosmic chirps
    Pdf 1.7 Mb
    Populärvetenskaplig information: Kosmiskt kvitter
    Pdf 1.7 Mb

    Prize amount: 9 million Swedish krona.
    Further information: and
    Press contact:
    Jessica Balksjö Nannini, Press Officer, Phone +46 8 673 95 44, +46 70 673 96 50,
    Experts: Olga Botner, member of the Nobel Committee for Physics, Phone +46 73-390 86 50,,
    Ulf Danielsson, member of the Nobel Committee for Physics, Phone +46 70-314 10 86,

    The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, founded in 1739, is an independent organisation whose overall objective is to promote the sciences and strengthen their influence in society. The Academy takes special responsibility for the natural sciences and mathematics, but endeavours to promote the exchange of ideas between various disciplines.
    Nobel Prize® är is a registered trademark of the Nobel Foundation.
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    发布于:2017-10-03 23:54

    The Nobel Prize in Physics 2017

    © Nobel Media. Ill. N. Elmehed
    Rainer WeissPrize share: 1/2© Nobel Media. Ill. N. Elmehed

    Barry C. BarishPrize share: 1/4
    © Nobel Media. Ill. N. Elmehed
    Kip S. ThornePrize share: 1/4

    The Nobel Prize in Physics 2017 was divided, one half awarded to Rainer Weiss, the other half jointly to Barry C. Barish and Kip S. Thorne "for decisive contributions to the LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves".

     基普·索恩(Kip Stephen Thorne)

     基普·索恩(Kip Stephen Thorne),1940年6月1日出生在美国犹他州的洛根市,现年77岁。父亲维恩·索恩是农艺学专家,母亲艾莉森·索恩是经济学家。索恩早年在学术道路上顺风顺水,成为了加州理工历史上最年轻的正教授之一。他于1962年获得加州理工的学士学位,在1965年获得普林斯顿大学的博士学位。1967年索恩回到加州理工被聘任为副教授,三年后晋升为理论物理的教授。
     雷纳·韦斯(Rainer Weiss)

     雷纳·韦斯(Rainer Weiss),1932年9月29日在德国柏林出生,现年85岁。为了躲避政治动荡,一家在1932年末搬家到布拉格,后在1938年搬家到美国。他年轻时在纽约市度过,曾就读于哥伦比亚文法学校。他在1955年获得麻省理工学士学位和1962年获得麻省理工学院博士学位。他于1960至1962年执教于美国塔夫斯大学,1962至64年是普林斯顿大学的博士后学者,后于1964年加入麻省理工任教。
     巴里·巴里什(Barry Clark Barish)

     巴里·巴里什(Barry Clark Barish),出生在美国内布拉斯加州的奥马哈,现年81岁。他在南加州长大,高中就读于洛杉矶。1957年获得物理学学士,1962年获得加州大学伯克利分校的实验高能物理的博士学位。1963年他加入加州理工。巴里什在美国自然科学基金会国家科学委员会批准资助该项目中发挥了重要作用,并对LIGO的建造和交付使用发挥了重要作用。他还创建了LIGO的科学合作组织(LIGO Scientific Collaboration),目前全球的合作者已经超过1000个。

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