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发布于:2015-08-23 04:27
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发布于:2015-08-23 04:34
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发布于:2015-08-28 11:59
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发布于:2015-09-05 21:50
South Brisbane 2/31st Battalion War Memorial
South Brisbane 2/31st Battalion War MemorialDescriptionStone cairn memorial with a marble plaque on concrete stepped base. The memorial is surrounded by four green iron posts and was erected by the 2/31 Battalion to honour fallen WWII comrades. It also possesses a symbolic horse drinking trough. Location: Stanley Street, South Brisbane Qld 4101 描述:11-September-2014 图片:2nd__31st_Battalion_Memorial-38794-92513.jpg Dedication Inscription 描述:to the honour and glory of our fallen comrades erected by 2/31 battalion 图片:2nd__31st_Battalion_Memorial-38796-92513.jpg Front Inscription TO THE HONOUR AND GLORY OF OUR FALLEN COMRADES WORLD WAR II 1939 - 1945 ERECTED BY 2/31 BATTALION A.I.F. 描述:2/31 Infantry Battalion 图片:2nd__31st_Battalion_Memorial-38797-92513.jpg Plaque : 2/31 Infantry Battalion 1940 1946 England Egypt Syria Palestine Papua New Guinea Dutch Borneo Syria Merdjayoun Jezzine Kokoda Track Ioribaiwa Oivi-Gorari Buna Gona Lae Nadzab Ramu Valley Balikpapan AIFConflicts commemoratedSecond World War, 1939-1945 Unit MemorialsMemorial typeStone/Cairn/PlinthAdditional information The 2/31st Infantry Battalion was one of three formed in the United Kingdom on 27 June 1940 to create the 25th Infantry Brigade. The battalion s personnel were drawn from throughout the Australian force that had arrived in Britain earlier in the month and manpower shortages meant the battalion included only three rifle companies instead of the usual four. It was initially known as the 70th Battalion and was based at Tidworth, but in October it was retitled the 2/31st, and in the same month relocated to Colchester. It left Britain on 4 January 1941 and disembarked in Egypt on 9 March. After arriva|2/31st moved to Palestine for training where it was joined by a fourth rifle company. On 11 Apri|the 25th Brigade, now part of the 7th Australian Division, began to move to Egypt to bolster the defences along the Libyan frontier against an expected German attack and the 2/31st occupied positions at Mersa Matruh. In late May 1941, the 2/31st returned to Palestine to take part in the invasion of Syria and Lebanon. The 2/31st s first major engagement in eastern Lebanon was around Khirbe between 8 and 11 June. It was subsequently ordered to capture the town of Jezzine, which controlled one of the lateral routes to the coast. Jezzine fell to the 2/31st on 14 June but was heavily counter-attacked by the Vichy French on the 16th. The terrain around Jezzine was steep and rugged and the fighting exhausting; it was still in progress when the armistice was declared on 12 July. The 2/31st remained in Lebanon as part of the Allied garrison until 13 January 1942. The Battalion arrived in Port Moresby on the 9 September to reinforce the battered Australian units on the Kokoda Trail. On 1 November it was the first battalion to re-enter Kokoda, and played a key role in smashing the last Japanese defensive position on the trail at Gorari between 7 and 11 November. The 2/31st was briefly involved in the operations at Gona between 23 November and 4 December, before returning to Port Moresby by air on 15 December and eventually sailing back to Australia in early January 1943. The 2/31st returned to Port Moresby to join the advance on the Japanese base at Lae, in New Guinea. They spent the rest of the year principally engaged in patrol actions in the Ramu Valley and the foothills of the Finisterre Range. It returned to Australia on 16 February 1944. On 2 July 1945 the unit landed at Balikpapan in Borneo and suffered the heaviest casualties of any unit involved in the campaign. The unit was disbanded in the first week of March 1946. Battle Honours Syria 1941, Syrian Frontier, Merjayun, Jezzine, Damour, Hill 1069, Baradene, South-West Pacific 1942-1945, Kokoda Trai|Ioribaiwa, Eora Creek-Templeton's Crossing II, Oivi-Gorari, Buna-Gona, Gona, Lae-Nadzab, Lae Road, Liberation of Australian New Guinea, Ramu Valley, Shaggy Ridge, Borneo 1945, Balikpapan, Milford Highway (Source: Australian War Memorial - www.awm.gov.au)Recorded byShirley and Trevor McIvorDate recorded15 April 2009 http://monumentaustralia.org.au/themes/conflict/ww2/display/92513-2nd-31st-battalion-memorial http://www.qldwarmemorials.com.au/memorial/?id=1109 |
发布于:2015-09-07 10:24
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发布于:2015-09-15 20:21
发布于:2015-09-16 09:57
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发布于:2015-09-16 13:16
发布于:2016-03-23 17:41
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发布于:2016-08-14 02:24
发布于:2016-08-14 02:27
“扫我!扫我!”,这是小编今天在会场上听到最多的一句话。为了获得更多的人气,在总共600㎡的展厅上,各家互联网公司几乎一致地采用“扫描二维码领取礼品”的方式进行营销,有的赠送冻饮,为顶着烈日前来的参会者解渴;有的赠送产品使用优惠,希望人们能迅速成为自家的用户;有的则会赠送自家公司的形象礼品,比如支付宝的“小保”公仔,可惜小编来晚一步..... 各个互联网公司二维码展示也是非常“给力”,在600㎡的展厅里,各式美少女轮流捧着自家公司二维码进行流动展示,有的甚至把二维码贴到身上,大喊“扫我!”,让不少小伙伴把持不住。 而团贷网也不甘人后,在现场展区里,只要扫描我们的二维码,则可获得团贷网定制限量充电宝或U盘一个,这么给力的推广为团贷网展区带来持续“爆棚”的人流。 团贷网的展区从早上8点半开始,就一直人头涌动,他们纷纷举起手机,打开微信“扫一扫”功能来关注我们的微信公众号和注册成为会员,最后心满意足地领走我们定制的精美充电宝和U盘。 对此,负责本次活动的O2O事业部负责人廖红梅表示,公司并不是单纯的送礼,首先选择充电宝和U盘作为礼品是经过我们精心考虑的,“根据我们以往的经验,在这种大型展会中人们需要频繁使用手机沟通和拍照,还要连接无线网络,这些都是非常耗电的功能,一旦手机没电,他们将无法体验这次大会的所有产品,这是非常让人沮丧的体验。” 另外,小编也观察到,人们并非单纯地来领取礼品,在注册和实名验证的过程中,他们会反复咨询工作人员关于团贷网的商业模式和自身资金的安全情况,“无论他们是否最终是否成为我们的用户,我们起码通过这次机会普及了一些互联网和P2P的知识,这也是一种企业责任”,廖红梅说道。 时间:2014年08月27日 17:00 来源:团贷网 [作者:Walk] 2014互联网大会:被二维码统治的展场 http://www.zhongchou.com.cn/plus/view.php?aid=635 |