0951-0955 宁夏,全称:宁夏回族自治区,简称宁,是中国五大少数民族自治区之一。处在中国西部的黄河上游,东邻陕西省,西、北部接内蒙古自治区,西南、南部和东南部与甘肃省相连。... 0951 银川,贺兰,永宁 0952 石嘴山,平罗,陶乐,惠农 0953 吴忠,灵武,盐池,中宁, 0954 固源,海源,西吉,隆德,泾源,彭阳 0955 宁夏中卫区号 宁夏回族自治区,简称宁,是中国五大自治区之一。处在中国西部的黄河上游地区,东邻陕西省,西部、北部接内蒙古自治区,南部与甘肃省相连。南北相距约456公里,东西相距约250公里,总面积为6.6万多平方千米。自治区首府银川。 宁夏是中华文明的发祥地之一,位于"丝绸之路"上,历史上曾是东西部交通贸易的重要通道,作为黄河流经的地区,这里同样有古老悠久的黄河文明。 早在三万年前,宁夏就已有了人类生息的痕迹,公元1038年,党项族的首领李元昊在此建立了西夏王朝,并形成了西夏文化。古今素有"塞上江南"之美誉。 位置境域: 宁夏回族自治区,位于北纬35°14~39°23,东经104°17~107°39之间。宁夏疆域轮廓南北长、东西短。南北相距约456公里(北起石嘴山市头道坎北2公里的黄河江心,南迄泾源县六盘山的中嘴梁),东西相距约250公里(西起中卫营盘水车站西南10公里的田涝坝,东到盐池县柳树梁北东2公里处),总面积为6.6万多平方千米。 "Internet plus healthcare" exhibition showcases latest technological developments Source: Xinhua| 2019-09-07 08:10:52|Editor: mingmei A visitor has her blood pressure measured by a smart sphygmomanometer during an "Internet plus healthcare" exhibition of the ongoing fourth China-Arab States Expo in Yinchuan, northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Sept. 6, 2019. Held as part of the fourth China-Arab States Expo, the event showcases the latest technological developments by Chinese and international exhibitors in the smart healthcare industry. (Xinhua/Feng Kaihua) Visitors learn about a medical care system based on 5G and cloud technologies during an "Internet plus healthcare" exhibition of the ongoing fourth China-Arab States Expo in Yinchuan, northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Sept. 6, 2019. Held as part of the fourth China-Arab States Expo, the event showcases the latest technological developments by Chinese and international exhibitors in the smart healthcare industry. (Xinhua/Feng Kaihua) http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-09/07/c_138372457.htm |