【环球时报综合报道】还记得那个“希望在中国成名”的美国癌症小男孩多里安·穆雷么?美国当地时间8日,他在父母的怀抱里平静地走了。据英国广播公司10日报道,他家的朋友凯瑟琳在“脸谱”上发文说,“多里安被爱他的人所包围,已经非常平安地进入天堂。他的母亲和父亲拥抱着他”。 8岁的多里安出生于美国罗德岛,4岁那年被诊断患有罕见的癌症横纹肌肉瘤,之后一直接受化疗。几个月前,癌细胞扩散到脑部和脊髓。多里安告诉父亲,在他“上天堂”前,“想要在中国成名……因为那里有一座桥”。这座“桥”指的是万里长城。多里安还希望人们为他张贴万里长城的照片。这个心愿在网上传开后,很多中国民众,包括很多孩子都给他加油。中国网友发起登长城祝福多里安“D-Strong”运动,拿着写有这样字样的标牌在长城拍照,并发到网上。 “再见,坚强的孩子!”多里安病逝的消息传出后,许多中国网友纷纷在网上悼念,并送上“蜡烛”。在“脸谱”上,已经有十多万网友关注多里安去世的消息。“你给全世界带来了力量,让所有人感动。”不止一名网友这样表示。 据美国媒体10日报道,多里安的家人已经以他的名字成立了一个基金会,旨在帮助那些患有癌症的孩子家庭以及儿童癌症病患的科研。(任重) 描述:Dorian Murray and his mom Melissa at their home in Rhode Island in January 图片:Dorian Murray and his mom Melissa at their home in Rhode Island in January.jpg Dorian Murray and his mom Melissa at their home in Rhode Island in January 默里家的一名友人代表他的父母,在脸书网站默里家的主页上发布其去世消息:“他在爱他的人围绕下静静走向天堂。爸爸妈妈把他抱在怀中。” 多里安的家人4日发布消息,说他的健康状况恶化,吃不下东西,已经睡了几乎20小时。 就在他去世的当天上午,他的母亲梅利莎宣布,他们一家成立以多里安命名的基金会,为儿童癌症患者募集善款。 多里安4岁被查出患儿童软组织癌。1月早些时候,他的癌细胞已扩散到脊髓和脑部,家人决定放弃治疗。 多里安1月5日过完8岁生日。几天后,他告诉父亲:“我真的很想在去天堂之前,能在中国出名,因为那里有一座桥。”多里安所说的“桥”,就是长城。 多里安的父亲把他的愿望放到网上,请求人们在中国和世界其他地方拿着写有“D-STRONG”(多里安,坚强!)的牌子,拍下自己的照片并传上网,帮助多里安实现最后的梦想。 这则消息在全世界范围广泛传播,微博上相关话题的点击量超过百万,多里安一家迅速收到来自中国、美国及世界其他地方人们的祝福,包括中国驻美国大使崔天凯以及歌星贾斯廷·比伯等名人。 多里安的家人说,他们对这些反应“完全大吃一惊”。 多里安还收到去中国旅行的邀请,不过因为他的健康,没能成行。 多里安去世前,在他家居住的罗得岛州,当地交通管理部门特别给他颁发了驾驶执照和个性车牌“D-STRONG”;州长把1月20日定为“多里安坚强日”。 描述:Dorian Murray 图片:Dorian Murray.jpg 9日,罗得岛州众议院在议会一块显示屏上播放多里安的照片,向他致敬。“罗得岛州失去了一个了不起的孩子。”议长尼古拉斯·马蒂耶洛说。 2016-03-11 04:00:00环球时报 “再见坚强的孩子” 喜爱中国长城的美抗癌男孩8日去世 http://world.huanqiu.com/exclusive/2016-03/8688208.html |
发布于:2016-03-15 00:34
Dorian Murray, the boy behind #dstrong, has died of cancer
Dorian Murray, the boy behind #dstrong, has died of cancer
“He was surrounded by people who love him and his transition to heaven was very peaceful.” Grace White / The Westerly Sun via AP By Kristi Palma @kristipalma Boston.com Staff | 03.09.16 | 7:37 AM Dorian Murray, the 8-year-old Rhode Island boy who captured the hearts of New Englanders, celebrities, and folks around the world as he battled stage-four cancer, has died. Dorian’s cancer fight has been documented on the Facebook page Praying for Dorian and on social media with the hashtag “#dstrong.” Today is ‘DStrong Day’ in Rhode Island, honoring a child with incurable cancer Gronk visits Rhode Island 8-year-old fighting stage-four cancer His death was announced on the Praying for Dorian Facebook page. “Dorian J. Murray (#dstrong) has gained his beautiful angel wings tonight and is now pain free. He was surrounded by people who love him and his transition to heaven was very peaceful. He was embraced by both mom and dad.” Dorian was diagnosed with a rare cancer when he was 4 years old. His parents announced on New Year’s Day that the cancer had spread to his spine and brain. That’s when his family chose to stop treatment and “enjoy the time left.” Shortly after, the Rhode Island Assembly announced that January 20 would be “DStrong Day.” Dorian was a guest in both the House and Senate chambers for the reading of the proclamation. Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski visited Dorian in January and signed a football for him. In January, more than 2,500 people gathered on Misquamicut Beach to spell out “#D-Strong” in the sand. Similiar tributes were seen around the world. The Facebook post announcing his death also asks for privacy, saying, “The family has been through so much heart ache and a devastating loss. Please please respect our privacy at this time.” Kristi Palma can be reached at kristi.palma@globe.com. Follow her on twitter @kristipalma. Dorian Murray, the boy behind #dstrong, has died of cancer “He was surrounded by people who love him and his transition to heaven was very peaceful.” Grace White / The Westerly Sun via AP By Kristi Palma @kristipalma Boston.com Staff | 03.09.16 | 7:37 AM |
发布于:2016-03-15 00:40
Dorian Murray's mother shares grief of son's death on social media
Dorian Murray's mother Melissa shared a message with more than 127,000 followers on the Praying for Dorian Facebook page to express her grief about the death of her 8-year-old son.
"So many emotions, so much love, so much sadness," she wrote Wednesday around 6:30 p.m. "It doesn't feel real. It's like he is just at his Dad's or grandmother's house and will he home later. I'm afraid it will only get harder. Lord give me strength." Melissa also shared a photo on Twitter, noting that despite her family's loss, "we stay #DStrong. Dad and I will smile everyday, because Dorian would want us to." Multiple friends of Murray's family posted on social media that the boy from Westerly died late Tuesday night. "It is with a very heavy heart that I share this news. Dorian J. Murray (#DStrong) has gained his beautiful angel wings tonight and is now pain free," Kathryn Thomas, who is a close friend of the Murray family, wrote on Facebook just after 11 p.m. "He was surrounded by people who love him and his transition to heaven was very peaceful. He was embraced by both mom and dad." Thomas went on to write that the family is asking for "privacy and respect" as they grieve. "The family has been through so much heartache and a devastating loss," Thomas wrote. "Please please respect our privacy at this time. Thank you. God Bless." Mourners posted condolence messages online for Dorian. "The Little Man changed the world forever. He brought people together who otherwise may have never crossed paths," Lori wrote on NBC 10's Facebook page. "Dorian's story touched so many lives. He was truly an inspiration to many," Ricardo wrote. On Friday, Melissa posted that her son's health was declining. She said Dorian, who was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma, which is a rare form of cancer, had been sleeping almost 20 hours a day and that he stopped eating. By Tuesday morning, Melissa announced that her family started the Dorian J. Murray Foundation, a charity that raises funds and awareness for pediatric cancer. Donations to the Dorian J. Murray Foundation can be made to P.O. Box 1225, Westerly, RI 02891. Dorian's story launched the DStrong hash tag on social media in early 2016. Support poured in from across the globe to help fulfill his final wish. In Rhode Island, the Division of Motor Vehicles customized a DStrong licence plate and Gov. Gina Raimondo declared January 20 as DStrong Day. "I was so honored that they established a DStrong Day to raise awareness to what he is doing for people," Melissa told NBC 10 News in January. The House of Representatives on Wednesday honored Dorian by posting his photo on a monitor in House Chambers. "The State of Rhode Island has lost a remarkable young child," Speaker Nicholas Mattiello said. Dorian's obituary was posted online Wednesday, noting that "the family will be hosting a candle lit vigil at a time to be announced in the near future for all to come and show their love and support for Dorian and his loved ones." The Murray family is asking for donations to the foundation in lieu of flowers. See a gallery of #DStrong images. BY JESSICA A. BOTELHO, NBC 10 NEWS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9TH 2016 Dorian Murray's mother shares grief of son's death on social media |