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  • “China” is #1 trending word in .Com: i3h.cn/495
    tea2015-12-10 21:04
    “China” is #1 trending word in .Com

    Thousands of registrations over two days help “China” spike.

    It turns out the Chinese aren’t just buying numeric and short .com domain names.

    “China” was the #1 trending word in new .com registrations last month according to .com registry Verisign. It seems that there was a spike in domain name registrations containing China followed by three letters (e.g. Chinadjr.com) on November 13-14.

    Drone was also a trending term last month.

    And no research is necessary to understand why “Friday”, “Coupon” and “Present” were suddenly trending in November!

    Here are the top ten trending words in .com last month:

    1. China
    2. Drone
    3. Got
    4. Coupon
    5. Download
    6. Bits
    7. Friday
    8. Muscle
    9. Present
    10. Bone

    The top trending word in .net was “Rent”

    Top 10 Keywords Registered in November 2015

    描述:The top trending word in .net was “Rent”

    图片:Top 10 Keywords Registered in November 2015.png

    The top trending word in .net was “Rent”




    BY ANDREW ALLEMANN — DECEMBER 8, 2015 UNCATEGORIZED “China” is #1 trending word in .Com
    1个回复, 0个喜欢
    评论1 来自于:tea
    2015-12-10 21:06   0人喜欢
    Top 10 Trending Keywords in .Com & .Net Registrations in November

    The top 10 trending keywords registered in .com and .net during the month of November 2015 are below. Any surprises?

    Click here to see other domain trends blog posts and make sure you check back on the second Tuesday of each month to see the latest keyword registration trends in .com and .net. Better yet, subscribe to Between the Dots to have the posts delivered directly to your inbox.
    If you’d like to do your own domain name keyword research, check out Verisign DomainView, a tool that allows you to enter keywords to see registration trends in .com and .net.
    Note: Each list was developed by examining keyword registration growth relative to the preceding month, such that those keywords with the highest percentage of registration growth are being reported on. This method is used to eliminate commonly registered keywords, such as “online” and “shop,” to provide a true look at monthly trends.

    Top 10 Trending Keywords in .Com & .Net Registrations in November
    Blog Moderator | Dec 08, 2015  Top 10 Trending Keywords in .Com & .Net Registrations in November

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