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  • How to Read QR Symbols Without Your Mobile Telephone: i3h.cn/1619
    二维码2016-06-08 21:20

    How to Read QR Symbols Without Your Mobile Telephone

    How does your phone read the information in a QR code symbol? How is information stored on it? In this column I'll make a start, but really only a start, on answering these questions....
    Bill Casselman
    University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
    Email Bill Casselman


    QR code is what you find on those little black and white things that look like

    or .
    They can be a bit more decorative:

    (The QR symbol on the left was an ad for the Canadian Liberal Party leaders' debate. On the right ... well ... it's February.) These do not exactly make much sense to the unaided human eye. They are, however, still quite useful, as this store display from Bonn, Germany shows in a hopeful if unusual hand-painted message about a store for rent:

    The point is that these symbols are not meant to be read by the unaided human eye, but instead by a computer's aided eye. If your mobile phone has a camera and the right app loaded into it, it can interpret one of these. In fact, this example is perhaps a bit out of date, since many phone apps nowadays will read the symbol and directly take you to a URL embedded in it. Other applications include some very useful ones such as linking your phone to a real-time bus-schedule, paying for downtown parking, recalling where your car was parked, and how to purchase advertised items. As well as some of more doubtful taste, such as learning all about someone's dearly departed.
    How does your 'phone read the information in a QR code symbol? How is information stored on it? In this column I'll make a start, but really only a start, on answering these questions.

    - See more at: http://www.ams.org/samplings/feature-column/fc-2013-02#sthash.aWsibdXt.dpuf

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